• Un mur de ressources adapté à chaque âge pour expliquer les attentats

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  • Parce qu'il n'est pas toujours facile de trouver les mots... Voici de quoi vous aider à présenter et expliquer les évènements parisiens de la semaine passée.

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  • Élection de Justin Trudeau au poste de Premier ministre, les Libéraux au gouvernement

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  • Quick Facts

    • This year, Labour Day weekend takes place from September 5 to September 7.
    • Tourism in Ontario generates more than $28 billion in economic activity and supports over 359,400 direct and indirect jobs.
    • Every $1 million spent by tourists in Ontario creates 14 jobs and generates more than $500,000 in wages and salaries.

    Enjoy Activities Happening Across the Province

    • Discover Pompeii, the site of one of the world's most famous natural disasters at the Royal Ontario Museum. The exhibit features 200 artifacts, many of which have never before travelled outside of Italy.
    • Be a mythbuster for a day at the Ontario Science Centre. Test your experimental skills in hands-on interactive experiments to discover the truth behind popular myths.
    • Get aboard a tall ship at Discovery Harbour in Penetanguishene. Experience history first-hand and learn what it was like to live on this original British Naval and Military outpost.
    • Wander through the Earth Art Exhibition at the Royal Botanical Gardens and see art installations created using natural elements like stones, trees and plants.
    • Go on the White Water Walk and see Niagara's famous rapids up close, and stay to see the fireworks at the Falls.
    • Celebrate the end of the season at Blue Mountain Village's Summer Sundown and Fireworks and enjoy music, hiking, biking, scavenger hunts and more.
    • Take part in Upper Canada Village's Horse Lovers' Weekend, celebrating 350 years of the Canadian horse, with wagon rides, a parade and a mock horse auction straight out of the 1860s.
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  • Le 1er juillet, le meilleur endroit pour prendre part à la plus grande célébration de l’anniversaire du pays est sans contredits à Ottawa, la capitale du Canada. C’est une immense fête nationale qui se déroule sur la colline du Parlement, au parc Major’s Hill, au parc Jacques-Cartier et dans les rues du centre-ville fermées aux automobiles.

    La foule commence à se rassembler tôt sur la colline du Parlement afin d’assister à la cérémonie du lever du drapeau, qui débute à 9 h, à la relève de la garde à 9 h 30, et au concert du carillonneur de la Tour de la Paix à 10 h. À midi, c’est l’heure du vol acrobatique de l’escadron des Snowbirds, et d’un spectacle culturel divertissant.

    Dans le parc Jacques-Cartier diverses activités familiales seront organisées, notamment des jeux, des activités physiques, des spectacles et des glissades gonflables pour les enfants de 3 à 12 ans. Les visiteurs de tout âge pourront profiter d’activités gratuites organisées par la plupart des institutions et des musées nationaux de la région. 

    La fête continue toute la journée aux principaux sites et attractions du centre-ville et dans l’ensemble de la capitale. À ne pas manquer en soirée sur la colline du Parlement, un spectacle regroupant de grands noms de la scène artistique canadienne, et le clou de la soirée comme toujours, le gigantesque spectacle de feux d’artifice! Les actes pour la fête du Canada cette année incluent les artistes canadiens Magic!, chanteur de musique country Gord BamfordFrancesco YatesMarc DupréCassidy Mann et Karim Ouellet, entre autres.

    Fête du Canada à Ottawa.

    Ottawa, Canada’s Capital, is the place to be July 1 for the country’s biggest annual birthday celebration. It’s a giant patriotic party on the lawns of Parliament Hill, Major’s Hill Park, Jacques Cartier Park and on the closed streets of downtown.

    The crowds start to gather on Parliament Hill early, for a 9 a.m. flag raising ceremony, followed by the Changing of the Guard ceremony at 9:30 a.m. and the carillon concert featuring the Peace Tower bells, at 10 a.m. Be there at noon for a thrilling performance by the Snowbirds Demonstration team, and a noon hour show filled with cultural entertainment. For families, Jacques Cartier Park will host a variety of activities especially for children ages 3 to 12 including games, physical activities, performances and inflatable slides. For revelers of all ages there will be free activities at most of the area’s national museums and institutions. 

    Excitement continues throughout the day at major sites and attractions downtown and across the Capital. The evening show on Parliament Hill features a stellar lineup of Canadian performers. This year’s Canada Day acts include Canadian artists Magic!, country music singerGord BamfordFrancesco YatesMarc DupréCassidy Mann and Karim Ouellet, among others. And as always, the evening will be topped off by a giant fireworks show you simply don’t want to miss!

    source: http://www.tourismeottawa.ca/les-coulisses-dottawa/fete-du-canada/



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  • À ce soir pour des images des festivités 2015 à Ottawa!


    En attendant, vous pouvez consulter le site officiel de la fête du Canada.



    Happy Canada Day!!!

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  • source: Le Dessous des Cartes, ARTE (http://ddc.arte.tv/)




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  • source: Le Dessous des Cartes, ARTE (http://ddc.arte.tv/)



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  • Un jeu interactif pour découvrir la culture inuit


    It's rare that we get games based around the histories of cultures outside of typical western America themes, the Great Wars or far east Asian mythologies. Well, given that the tools of game design have changed greatly with the ever-morphing cultural tapestry of human society, it has opened up an opportunity for a wide variety of interactive opportunities to be explored within the electronic entertainment space.

    Never alone is a very unique, culturally rich gameplay experience in the upcoming folklore adventure tale. This is beautifully rendered, almost environmentally-minimalist platformer is steeped heavy in the history of the Inuit tribes of the north Alaskan plains. As explained on IGN, players will assume the role of a young Iñupiaq protagonist named Nuna. She's joined by the game's deuteragonist, the arctic fox. The game can be played either in single-player or cooperative two-player modes, as players journey through the great snow-caked plains to save the Alaskan natives; dealing with mortal environmental hazards, unforeseen enemies and natural dangers.


    Never Alone’s purpose is to preserve fading stories, but in order to convince the Iñupiat young people of the stories’ enduring power and worth, it must also succeed as a video game. In a sense, it was perhaps the riskiest way of approaching the Iñupiat’s problem: this kind of storytelling requires an entirely new vocabulary. Reconciling narrative demands with the need to be engaging and functional remains one of the greatest challenges in game development; it’s a struggle for even the largest and best-funded teams.



    Video games are well suited, however, to render in exquisite detail historical places and periods, and even the societies within them—the environments and systems that facilitate story creation in the first place. Players are often cast as a game’s protagonist, with an active role in its story, where they cannot help but see things, at least superficially, from a new perspective. Never Alone, if nothing else, offers a way, however incomplete, to experience life as an Iñupiat girl. The greater challenge will be to convince audiences that this is a virtual life worth living and, by association, a story worth preserving.


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