About Libguides
As promised, here is some information regarding the use of the Virtual Learning Commons (VLC) as a possible platform for teachers and classes participating in Link to Lyon.When considering your platform for this wonderful Link to Lyon project, please consider utilizing LibGuides within the Virtual Learning Commons (VLC) and your school's Learning Commons Informationist (LCI). The VLC can be your place to discover--collaborate and create. You can post pictures, videos, blogs, student work, links--almost anything!(Videos do need to be loaded to YouTube prior to posting to the VLC)Students and teachers can collaborate with one another by posting comments or using the discussion board features. No worries as these areas are moderated by LCI's. These guides can be password protected if required. You can also give this information to parents so that they can view what is going on.Wouldn't it be great if all UCDSB participants used the guides? Your groups in France would be able to view your content, post comments and participate in the discussions.They could all be linked so that everyone can see what other's are doing.Nancy ClowLearning CommonsGananoque Intermediate & Secondary School--Day 1,3,5Linklater Public School--Day 2Thousand Islands Elementary School--Day 4DISCOVER COLLABORATE CREATE
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