• Bonjour à tous,

    J'attire votre attention sur la parution au BIR de la procédure de demande de subvention pour l'organisation d'un échange de classes à l'étranger (voir le document ci-dessous). Cliquez sur l'image pour un accès direct à la page.

    des subventions pour échange de classes à l'étranger.


    Date limite du dépôt du dossier : 31 janvier 2015.




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  • Quelques infos qui pourraient intéresser nos élèves de Terminale et grade 12 qui n'ont pas toujours l'occasion de voyager pendant leur dernière année de lycée... Pourquoi ne pas prévoir une mobilité vers le Canada pendant leurs années universitaires? (Cliquez sur l'image pour activer le lien)

     Food for thoughts : le programme ORA 

    The ORA Exchange Program was initiated in 1992, with Carleton University as the operating institution. The Exchange was sponsored by the Ministries of higher education in both 

    The ORA Exchange Program was initiated in 1992, with Carleton University as the operating institution. The Exchange was sponsored by the Ministries of higher education in both jurisdictions, Ontario and Rhône-Alpes but was operated by the two university systems. In 1998 the Program moved to the University of Ottawa. Funding came from both Ministries. Under the auspices of the two ministries of higher education, the universities of the two jurisdictions worked collegially within their own systems, and between the two regions.When the Ontario government was suddenly unable to fund the program, twelve of the original seventeen Ontario universities came together to form a consortium to both fund and administer the Program. As of October 31, 2001, the ORA Program began operating from the Program Officehoused at the Keele campus of York University.  The office provides liaison with Ontario's partner institutions and Rhône-Alpes' partner institutions. Today, the program exchanges 65 full time students from each region for a total of 130  students per year.  


    Participation in the "ORA Program" offers the following additional advantages: advising and support on both sides of the Atlantic, expedited admission to one of the world's great universities, preferential placement in a student residence, eligibility for scholarship support, a pre-departure orientation weekend in Lyon in May, August orientation in Toronto

     To apply, contact the International Office of your institution. You will also have to fill out the application form.


    source: http://www.ora.ouinternational.ca/about-ora 


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